A Brief Introduction

Please visit my new site @http://www.jeffbateman.ca and the site I've created for my bid for election to Sooke council in the November, 2014 municipal election @ http://www.jeff4sooke.com

Welcome to my corner of web 2.0. Please settle in and stay for awhile. Perhaps we can have a chat about our mutual interests: travel, yoga, popular music, the beautiful game (soccer), 5 Rhythms movement meditation, Transition Towns and the joys of localization included. I'm a good listener and I do tend to ask a lot of questions. I've refined these skills over my 30+ years as a writer and editor for magazines, newspapers, government agencies, non-profit organizations and the private sector.

Fresh from journalism school, I worked in the federal govenment in Ottawa, then settled in Toronto for a decade during which I held staff positions with Global Television Network and the Performing Rights Organization of Canada (now SOCAN). Relocating to Vancouver in 1990, I worked primarily as a reporter, columnist and west coast bureau chief with The Record, Canada's weekly music industry trade magazine, ending up the decade as its managing senior editor.

Now based on the far west coast, I'm a freelancer working out of my home office in oceanside Sooke, B.C., an hour from Victoria. My clients over the last few years have included Tourism BC, the City of Burnaby, Oceanside Tourism, Northern Vancouver Island Tourism and Westworld Magazine. In my volunteer life, I'm a board member with the Transition Sooke, the EMCS Society and the Sooke Region Farmland Trust Society.

Like most people who work with words, I have worn many hats during my 25-year career: magazine and newspaper writer, corporate communicator, web content copywriter, government consultant, and magazine and book editor. Clients like the fact that I deliver creative, tightly written copy that has been refined through multiple drafts, matches the assigned word count and addresses their initial story guidelines. Deadlines are met, facts are checked, and revisions, when needed, are delivered promptly.

+ Magazines ...
Western Living
YFM (Your Food Manager)
Travel Etcetera
Music Business International
Performing Songwriter
Teen Generation
Music Express

+ Newspapers and Journals ...
The Record
The Vancouver Sun
The Calgary Herald's Swerve
The Globe and Mail's Broadcast Week
Canadian Press
International Environment Reporter

+ Copywriting ...
Pharmasave National
University of British Columbia Sustainability Office
Heritage Canada
Pacific Music Industry Association
City of Burnaby
Vancouver bistro Cicchetti
S.L. Feldman and Associates
Tourism Ontario

+ Book Publishers ...
Random House of Canada Ltd.
Whitecap Books
Altitude Publishing
The Canadian Encyclopedia [entry writing]

+ Website Content ...
The Bodywealth Network
UBC Campus Sustainability Office
S.L. Feldman and Associates
Shekinah Society

"Jeff Bateman has long been one of the most professional, proficient freelance writers I know. His
research is impeccable, his writing style straightforward, and he always delivers readable copy that rarely needs even the slightest edit – and on time into the bargain." – Richard Flohil, editor Applaud!, founding partner in The Record

"Jeff worked with Hellobc.com on our community content project in 2009. He was tasked with meeting key industry folk and writing about numerous Vancouver Island communties. I knew I could rely on him to deliver well-written, expertly researched and inviting copy that would serve visitors to the island. He interpeted and executed the brief to the letter." - Mikala Taylor, Manager Online Content, Tourism British Columbia 

"The copy for our full-page ad on Youth Week was excellent. Thanks for a great job on such short notice." –Heather Thomson, Communications Coordinator, City of Burnaby Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services

"I love the work you did on the website. Thanks so much." – Ruth Abramson, Communications Manager, UBC Campus Sustainability Office